Missing Motorists, Many Witnesses Attest to Strange Events
UFOs made repeated daylight visits to Paraiba, a small state in the
Sertao or Northeast of Brazil between April 4 and April 11,
according to the Brazilian newspaper O Norte.
CNI News
In Caiac, the northwest section of Pirpirituba, a small town 180
kilometers (108 miles) north of Joao Pessoa, the state capital of
Paraiba, the Policia Militar found an abandoned car on a dirt road
leading to the sugar cane fields. The car had "strange marks on the
roof," O Norte reported, and "nobody knows where the driver is."
The case is now being investigated by Brazil's Federal Police.
On April 5, a "flying disc" or OVNI (Portuguese acronym for
UFO) hovered about four feet above an empty lot on the Rua de
Aquino in Guarabira, just south of Pirpirituba. The OVNI was
seen by eight people. An eyewitness said, "The object was
discoidal, didn't emit any sound and had multicolored lights on the
At 5:30 p.m. on or about April 7, Mrs. Maria Jose, 60, and her
son were driving on the main highway between Joao Pessoa and
Natal. As they passed through Pirpirituba, they spotted "a strange
object hovering close to the cemetery." The UFO flew straight
toward them and passed over the roof of their car.
As a result of this encounter, Mrs. Jose suffered a nervous collapse
and was taken to a hospital in Campina Grande, a nearby city.
The same week, in the outlying village of Gota de Agua, a
16-year-old boy saw a silvery disc-shaped UFO flying down the
valley between two jungle-covered mountain ranges. The UFO
was heading west, toward the Planalto de Barbareme and passed
right over a radio mast.
An unidentified woman in this same area claimed to have seen the
UFO on the ground, with an occupant standing beside it. O Norte
describes the occupant simply as "a being."
This is the biggest UFO flap in northeast Brazil in 25 years. On
November 17, 1971, a disc-shaped UFO landed at Bananeiras,
north of Joao Pessoa, and disabled a Volkswagen. The driver and
passenger, Paulo Gaetano and Emilio Bandeirante, were taken
aboard the UFO by several small beings. The men reportedly
spent five hours on board the object before being released.
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